2014 HUG Trips to Uganda and Kenya

During 2014 two visits were made to Uganda and Kenya by H.U. G. participants.

The first one in June including a visit to a place called Kalungulu where a well had been sunk with financial assistance form people in co. Armagh.  The beneficiaries of this gift of running water organised someone to compose a song ‘Giving thanks for this gift’.  A group of students sang it for us.  It is particularly appreciated as the area is so dry. As students go home in the evening they are carry 20 litres to their family thus making the cooking of the evening meal easier.

Visits to different schools followed with a welcome reception in each location and the promise to return to do Arts and Crafts at a later date.  On the way there were stops at the Equator sign which was recently turned green to mark St. Patricks’ day.

In both Laini Saba (Kibera, Nairobi) and St. Bernadette’s Primary School in Nakibizzi, Uganda there was a busy time. First to prepare posters that would be displayed when the new school at Laini Saba was officially blessed on 18 July, then to teach pupils how to sew on buttons, make bean bags etc.  While the tasks were demanding they were also fun.  Visits to the Giraffe Centre, the Elephant Orphanage and a ride on a camel and to the schools music festival added to our enjoyment.

The children loved the activities and are very proud of their new school.


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