Some Reflections on their Trip from the Fenham Group

“It was just great to see the wider scale of Sacred Heart and its power.”

 “I'm hoping my experience in Uganda will enable me to illustrate to others here the value of education in developing countries and the other needs there.”

“Seeing the children in Kampala really showed us how lucky we are."

“Visiting the homes in Kalungu was a great insight into the lives of ordinary people.”

"The girls’ attitude toward school has made us realise that education isn't something to be taken for granted."

"The people we've met in Uganda have affected us more than we could have ever imagined. They'll be in our hearts always."

“I have learnt that I don’t need material goods, small things we can do can make a big difference and it has inspired me to do more charity work.”

“I enjoyed the painting and it gave me a real sense of achievement, but more valuable was the time spent with the (Ugandan) girls, living without home comforts, experiencing another location and culture, and living with the team.”

Compliled by Hilary Thompson, Sacred Heart Schools Network Coordinator, with assistance from Bridget Shepherd, Year 13


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