2011 Update

Its been a while since we reported on HUG events but we are delighted to say that there have been a lot of progress with two groups visiting various projects in the past year.

The first group had a mix of people including second level and university students, teachers and trainee teachers. They visited Kenya in June and July paying a visit to the Laini Saba school in Kibera and the school in Nyumbani.

The second group was from the Fenham Sacred Heart School in Newcastle Upon Tyme. They visited the Kalungu Girls Training Centre in the Masaka District of Uganda and the school in Kyamusansala.

Each trip involves plenty of "work" and "play". Visitors from Fenham cleaned and painted classrooms.

Participants also got the opportunity to participate in the ordinary everyday tasks including laundry day - an opportunity for complete cultural immersion.

Local celebrations and cultural displays offer a unique opportunity for teaching and learning, contributing to a fully rounded experience.


Welcome to the Helping U Grow (HUG) blog.

Here you will find everything from: photos from visits we have undertaken to plans for activities in the future.

Please check back regularly to see our updates and contact us with any suggestions or to join our newsletter.